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James A. Brown, Esq.    

Arbitrator and Mediator
Member, National Academy of Arbitrators

James A. Brown is a full-time arbitrator and mediator.
He has been engaged in labor relations for thirty-five years, and began
his career advocating on behalf of labor unions and management interests
in the public and private sectors.

His arbitration practice includes both labor and employment law cases.

He has also mediated many employment-related claims involving overtime, minimum wage, hostile work environments, reasonable accommodations based on religion and disability, race discrimination and retail assignments, retaliation, constructive discharge, sexual assault, and lost promotions.

He has spoken before various bar associations on matters related  to labor and employment law, including arbitration and wage and hour mediation.
He has also contributed columns to the New York Law Journal, including most recently "Preparing for a Wage and Hour Mediation," 03/11/22 (see below), and has taught CLE courses on labor and employment law.



Labor Arbitration Panels:

* American Arbitration Association, Labor Arbitration Panel
* Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
* National Mediation Board
* New York Public Employment Relations Board
* New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission
* New Jersey PERC Special Disciplinary Arbitration Panel
* New Jersey State Board of Mediation
* Pennsylvania Bureau of Mediation
* New York City Office of Collective Bargaining
* New York State 3020-a
* CUNY White, Blue Collar Panels
* Northwell Health-NYSNA 
* Northwell Health - UFT (Staten Island University Hospital-South)
* District Council 37 - NYC School Construction Authority
* District Council 37 - Wildlife Conservation Society
* District Council 37 - Museum of Jewish Heritage
* UFT, Local 2 - NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn (Staffing Levels)

Employment Law Panels:

American Arbitration Association

      -- Employment Panel

      -- Employee Benefits Panel

* ADR Systems (Chicago, IL)

Mediation Panels:

* American Arbitration Association Mediation Panel

* S.D.N.Y. Mediation Panel

* E.D.N.Y. Wage and Hour Mediation Panel

* Resolute Systems, LLC

  Also: Private Mediation Services Available upon Request

Fact-Finding & Interest Arbitration:

* New York PERB Mediation and Fact-Finding

* Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board

Administrative Panels:

* NYC COIB Financial Disclosure Appeals (OCB)

* NYC OATH Contract Dispute Resolution Board

Recent Speaking Engagements:

EDNY Mediation Mentorship Program Orientation (June 2024)

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service "Evidence and Proof: What it Takes" (May 2021)

National Academy of Arbitrators, Region 2 "Alternative Dispute
Resolution in Wage and Hour Cases" (May 2019)

New York County Lawyers Association "Wage and Hour Mediations: What to Know in an Expanding Area of Law" (April 2019);

New York State Bar Association "Motion Practice in Arbitration: A Bridge Too Far or a Welcome Development?" (January 2018);

New York State Bar Association "Labor Arbitration - An Overdue Look at Some Controversial Issues" (September 2016); 
New York State Bar Association "Labor Arbitrator Roundtable: Best & Worst Practices for Labor Arbitration" (October 2013);
New York City Bar Association "New Labor Arbitrator Panel"   (June 2013).

Recent Articles & Written Submissions:

Preparing for a Wage and Hour MediationNew York Law Journal, March 11, 2022. For a copy of Article (Click Above)

Wage and Hour Mediations: What to Know in an Expanding Area of Law
, New York County Lawyers Association (April 2019).

For a copy of Outline (Click Above)

Wage and Hour Mediations and the Small EmployerNew York Law Journal, December 14, 2018.
For a copy of Article (Click Above)

Motion Practice in Arbitration: A Bridge Too Far or a Welcome Development?, NYSBA Labor and Employment Section, 2018 Annual Meeting. 
For a copy of Outline (Click Above)

SDNY Automatic Referrals and Pre-Mediation DiscoveryNew York Law Journal, September 14, 2017.
For a copy of Article (Click Above)

Last Chance Agreements: Is Yet Another Chance an Option? 
NYSBA Labor and Employment Section, 2016 Fall Meeting.
For a copy of Outline (Click Above)

Friedrichs: The End of Public Sector Labor Relations as We Know It?  NYSBA Labor and Employment Law Journal, Fall 2015, Vol. 40, No. 1.
For a copy of Article (Click Above)

   Contact:       P.O. Box 24611, Brooklyn, N.Y.,  11202. (718) 578-2900.


                          For Printer-Friendly PDF Version of Resume (Click Here)

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